If you decide to divorce your spouse, regardless of the reason, you’ll want to become familiar with the finer details of the process. More specifically, learn more about both mediation and litigation.

When faced with a contentious divorce, it’s natural to believe that your case will eventually end up in court. But before you give up on the idea of mediation, it’s imperative to understand how it can help.

To start, there’s a mediator to keep you on track and continue to push the process forward. They can answer questions, remove tension from the room and help both individuals understand how the legal system works.

What they can’t do, however, is make decisions on behalf of either you or your spouse. They don’t have the legal authority to do so. Mediation allows you and your spouse to maintain more control over the divorce process. With litigation, the family law judge presiding over the case has quite a bit of power. But with mediation, you and your soon to be ex-spouse are still in control. With this control, you’ll feel much better about your ability to reduce tension with your ex and get what you want from the process as a whole.

It’s natural to wonder if mediation can work to resolve your contentious divorce. You’ll never know until you give it a try. You may be surprised at how well you’re able to work together to settle your divorce in a timely, efficient and affordable manner.

As you prepare for divorce mediation, do so with the idea that you’ll take whatever steps necessary to protect your legal rights.